Christmas Party
Come and join us on Saturday, December 15, 2012, at 2pm in the activity room, as Sue and Todd sing your favorite Christmas songs for the annual resident and family Christmas Party. We will have food, prizes, and gifts for everyone to enjoy at this wonderful time of the year. All family and friends are welcome to join us for this wonderful day.
New Year's Eve Party
Other December Events
12-7 Vannah Martin's show on Greece and Egypt
12-14 Christmas Happy Hour
12-14 Scenic drive to see Christmas lights
12-21 Silvergrill for lunch
12-28 Birthday party with Tom Yook performing
Christmas and New Year's Holiday
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and we now many of you will be spending time with loved ones. We ask that residents please let us know if they will be staying in the building, having family over to Park Regency, or going out with family for Christmas and New Year's, so we can plan how big of holiday dinners to make and, most importantly, who will be in the building to get their medications, and who we need to prepare medications for them to take with to their family's get-together. You can stop by the front desk or call (970) 461-1100 ex. 83 to let us know. Thank you.
Plans for the New Year
we are now five years old and it is time for a face lift. We are in the process of developing plans to be implemented in 2013 to include upgrade of the front lobby and lounge, add or change out pictures in common space areas, replace worn furniture, carpet, etc.
We are open to your input as we develop our 2013 plans. Please give us your ideas of what would make our environment more pleasant and user friendly. Write a note to Jerry, Carol, or Rebecca.
Staff Changes
Effective December 1st, Jerry will be the Park Regency Loveland Executive Director and the Park Regency Thornton Manager. Carol Pegg will be the new Park Regency Loveland Administrator.
On January 1, 2013, Rebecca Topscher will take over the position of Marketing/Admissions Director and Karla Romero will take over at the front desk as out new receptionist.
We expect our operations and service levels will continue or improve with these great employees in their new positions. They have been training for the new jobs for months.
Please feel free to congratulate these people on their promotions.
Park Regency provides transportation for residents to and from medical appointments, local emergency rooms, and group outings. Transportation is available as follows: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. (Please keep in min that Park Regency provides transportation within 10 miles of Park Regency at no cost.)
Every resident has the right to be transported to the hospital emergency room 24 hours a day. This is done by calling 911 either by the resident or a staff member or by being taken to the emergency room by a relative or Park Regency transportation if available. Likewise, a resident can return from the emergency room by a relative or if an administrative person is available, then that person will come to pick you up. Should no one be available to pick you up, both MC and McKee will call Yellow Cab for you.
If residents need transportation on weekends or holidays they should have family or friends provide the transportation. If family or friends are unavailable, then the resident should be prepared to call a local cab company or senior transport. The local Yellow Cab number is: (970) 224-2222. A one mile trip would run $5.75 plus $2.25 for each additional mile. SAINT provides door to door transportation within Lovealnd only. The Loveland SAINT number is (970) 223-8653. They provide transportation within the hours of 8:15am until 4pm. You must make an appointment at least 2 days ahead of time. A donation of at least $1.00 would be appreciated. There is also a new free transport service called Connecting Health. The University of Colorado Health and Columbine health Systems are providing ambulatory van runs on a regular basis Monday through Friday between PVH, Harmony Campus, MCR, and the Greeley Medical Clinic. Their schedule is available on the table near the front desk.
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